Sunday, May 22, 2011

Leavin on a Jet Plane

We left Atlanta at 1:55 PM bound for Chicago. Then on to Brussels, Belgium. Its an 8 hour flight if your curious.

Mekhala after we got our boarding passes in ATL

Me in the ATL Airport in front of the AA counter.

International Terminal in O'Hare International. Airport

Indian Flag
My seat was next to a girl who was returning to Brussels after studying in Orlando for 1 year...Also she was sick and I'm pretty sure she is the reason for my sore throat and headache.  Damn Europeans. She did take a few pics for me out of the window of the plane though.

Belgium I have to say is kinda boring. There wasn't much to see in the airport.... except our plane being worked. Didn't make me feel very confident.

Our plane waiting to take us to India from Brussels

There was this strange wooden statue of people walking.

Our flight to Chennai, India was in the greatest airline ever Jet Airways. What makes it the greatest airline of all time you ask? They have free drinks.
Complimentary blanket and pillow

Jillian, Steven and Jourdan

Indian Airplane Food- better than the American Airlines Airplane food

 Arrival in Chennai, India.

Outside the Chennai Airport

Even at 12:30 AM traffic is crazy in India

The Gang

More Indian traffic


  1. Hamp-
    I am sorry you are not feeling well-find some airborn or something like it-of course continue to drink lots of water- Take airborn as much as you can-and rest!!!

    I love the pics- It must be amazing over there-
    Let us know if we can do anything for you


  2. Hamp,
    Looks like you will have a lot of fun there, good luck on all your projects. I hope everything goes well.

  3. You should not have kissed that girl. ;] I really love this blog. It is just like being there with you. You realize that you are the only one in your group that does not look like a young white kid from the US.
